Hamilton Lodge School

Speech & Language Therapy.

Our Highly specialist Speech and Language therapist provides life-improving treatment, support and care for our learners who have difficulties with communication, eating, drinking or swallowing.

Language, communication and community are vital for developing memory skills, learning, understanding of others and mental health. We take a team approach, with all staff, day and residential, aware of the language and communication needs of our learners.

Hamilton Lodge provides, and supports, a continuum of language modes, including British Sign Language, Sign Supported English and both spoken and written English.

The Deaf Studies team, English teachers, speech and language therapist and assistant, work together to promote and monitor development in all areas. Individual programmes for learners can readily be adapted to changing needs and these include specialist 1:1 therapy, in addition to targeted interventions and universal provision. There is also close joint-working with the school audiologist who visits once a week.

Specialist advice on oral skills, eating and drinking, is available via a regional specialist centre.