School Policies
We have a range of policies in place to ensure the efficient and effective management of the school. In line with government advice we have published some here.
Paper copies of any policy can be supplied on request.
- 01 CP Admissions Arrangements
- 02 CP Charging and Remsissions Policy
- 03 CP Data Protection Policy
- 07 CP School complaints
- 14 CP Accessibility plan
- 15 CP Child Protection Safeguarding Policy
- 19 CP Special Educational Needs policy
- 22 CP Behaviour policy
- 23 CP Behaviour principles
- 32 CP Careers programme
- 33 SP Learner Statement Purpose
- 33 SP Statement of purpose
- 34 SP Anti Bullying Policy
- 35 SP Online Safety
- 36 SP Whistleblowing Policy
- 41 SP Communication Policy
- 78 SP Curriculum policy