Pupil Premium:
The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support particular groups of pupils who are known to be at risk of underachievement and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools for pupils, in Years R to 11, who are known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) or who have been eligible for FSM in the past six years (Ever 6). Pupil Premium is also allocated for children who have been looked after by the local authority.
More information about the Pupil Premium is available on the Department for Education website.
How we use the pupil premium
Our allocation now comes from the ESFA. This academic year we have 9 children who qualify for pupil premium and we receive £9850 in total. We are investing this for those 9 children in:
- Delivering additional wellbeing support to pupils who have additional social and emotional needs
- Arranging specific activities to support social integration and emotional wellbeing during the school day and at times during the evenings
- Providing additional literacy support
- Providing dedicated staff to work in a “relay capacity” with interpreters to ensure young people can access external activities
- Ensuring our PP children can access a range of enjoyable and enriching activities
- Providing additional staffing to ensure young people can access local and/or Deaf specialist mental/emotional health services with appropriate levels of communication support
- Providing Sign therapy to support the development of communication through sign
- Supporting the provision of physiotherapy for pupils with physical difficulties
- The delivery of bespoke occupational therapy programmes for learners as appropriate and clinically indicated
- The provision of bespoke sensory integration programmes for learners with SI difficulties
- The provision of play therapy
These strategies and interventions are implemented to support the learners to improve and sustain levels of engagement with learning, communication, curriculum access personal achievement and attainment. The strategies were generated through analysis of assessment data and the identification of barriers to learning determined through annual reviews and pupil progress meetings. Provision is reviewed regularly via scheduled meetings of our Pupil Support team of therapeutic staff.
We anticipate that as a consequence of these strategies and interventions, pupils for whom the Pupil Premium applies will make at least planned progress commensurate with their abilities.
How we measure effectiveness
The effectiveness of the interventions funded through the Pupil Premium are measured primarily through performance in specific areas of the curriculum (Maths, English, History etc.). Some of the ways we measure improvement are:
- Improved interaction with other children.
- Improved achievements (from previous measures) in curriculum subjects.
- Improved literacy skills and reading ability both in terms of accuracy and
- Improved communication skills
- Improved emotional well-being and resilience
Primary PE grant: academic year 2022-2023
We received £5,000 primary PE grant, this was invested in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy to enable joint planning with the PE teacher for fully inclusive PE sessions that offer access and appropriate physical challenge to all our primary children.
Provision at this level is sustainable as long as the grant is paid.
All our children who can tolerate the water are taught to swim; competently, confidently and proficiently over 25m and perform self rescue. Last year we had no Year 7 learners who met the swimming bench mark.
Tutoring Grant
The school received £4,230 as a catch up Grant. As no partners could offer appropriate tutors who could meet the needs of the learners this was returned.