Hamilton Lodge School

Equality objectives

Objective 1:

Analyse recruitment data, identify and where required act upon any identified trends with regard to race, gender and disability by end of academic year 2021/22 Report for Governing body meeting Term 1 academic year 2022/23.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Carry out an analysis of our current staffing structure and review our recruitment processes as we respond appropriately to any identified patterns.

Objective 2:

Have in place a reasonable adjustment agreement for all staff with disabilities by July 2020, to meet their needs better and ensure that any disadvantages they experience are addressed to the best of our ability.

Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure we offer all our staff with a protected characteristic all the support they need to fulfil their individual remit within the school to the very highest standard.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Review need and current range of reasonable adjustments in place.

Objective 3:

Maintain our Disability Confident Employer status and apply for Disability Confident Leader status to ensure we:

  • draw from the widest possible pool of talent
  • secure and retain high quality staff who are skilled, loyal and hard working
  • save time and money on the costs of recruitment and training by reducing staff turnover
  • keep valuable skills and experience
  • reduce the levels and costs of sickness absences
  • improve employee morale and commitment by demonstrating that they treat all employees fairly.


Equality information, duty and objectives