Hamilton Lodge School

Additional Support

In addition to their Deafness our learners have a range of other special educational needs. To ensure we can meet all need we have developed a specialist team to best support individual learners helping ensure we secure the best possible outcomes for them.

The team is led by Judith Peacock MSc MBPsS BA ToD, our Deputy Head and SEND coordinator. Judith.Peacock@hamiltonlsc.co.uk

She leads a highly experienced team who add significant value to what we can offer our learners. The team consists of:

Hilary Dumbrill: MA MRCSLT HCPC. Highly Specialised Speech & Language Therapist
Evelyn Cohen:  DipCot BSc RCOT HCPC. Highly Specialised Occupational Therapist
Jo Lord:   BSc MCSP HCPC. Highly Specialised Pediatric Physiotherapist.
Monica Isaac: BSc HCPC. Audiologist.
Sam Caiels:  L6 BSL. Signed therapeutic support for Wellbeing.
Hilary Dumbrill: MA BAPT. 

Play Therapist.

 Special Educational Needs policy

Based on identified needs, we offer a tiered approach to therapeutic support. This is based on what a learner needs at any particular time.